Sharon White

108 days ago

#GoWokeGoBroke and the Christmas Adverts – M&S fucks it up first

The Christmas advert season has started and the competition is on to find out which retailer can win the Sharon White award for pissing off your core customers with the most offensively woke offering. An early leader is Marks & Spencer which released to a tease, an out-take, showing red, white and green Christmas hats being thrown in the fire. This has now been withdrawn following a backlash. From Christians? Don’t be so silly old son!.


158 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: North Wales Police show themselves to be knobs & Gary is going to get a shock in the jungle

In today’s podcast which Matthew’s Dog and Catriona will enjoy I look at Alpha Growth (ALGW), Versarien (VRS), Horizonte Minerals (HZM), where the curse of O’Hara has hexed Gary Newman as he slumbers in the jungle, Canadian Overseas (COPL), the wretched failure of Sharon White at John Lewis and North Wales Police being such knobs. Why do I pay my taxes? 


158 days ago

Utterly useless liberal establishment pin up girl Sharon White to walk the plank at John Lewis

My current reading, the semi autobiographical Battlefields and Playgrounds by Janos Nyiri has the young Hungarian comparing BBC News in 1940 to that of the Hungarian state radio broadcaster. The BBC was always right, it always told the truth. I suspect that, where he still alive, Janos might take a different view these days. I could imagine him shouting “they’re BOTH lying” and throwing the cat at the radio. This brings us to news that abject failure Sharon Lewis is to walk the plank at John Lewis.


193 days ago

More losses announced and a warning of delayed recovery: Why hasn’t failing Dame Sharon White been sacked by John Lewis?

Sharon White was appointed, with no retail experience whatsoever, as chair of John Lewis in 2019 on an annual salary of just shy of a Bernie. A year later, for services to the bien pensant community, when was made a Dame and unveiled a five year plan to get John Lewis to making £400 million of profit by 2025. Since then, it has been loss after loss after loss and today it got worse.


420 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The Rogue Bloggers are now 8 (+2 fantasy women) & the wooden floor that protects female failures like Sharon White & La Willingham

I start on journalist ethics, that is to say not selling shares before advising readers to and a chap called Magna Carta who reminds me of the weeds in my strawberry patch. Then onto Rogue Bloggers where Andrew Bell says he is joining us and bringing a fantasy woman. I shall bring Cheryl. Please donate HERE. Finally, referring to Sarah Willingham and Dame Sharon White of John Lewis infamy (see the Daily Mail article I refer to HERE) I suggest that a glass ceiling for women in business has been replaced by a wooden floor.


423 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: could the US regional banks implode & why hasn't Sharon White been sacked by John Lewis?

I start with a discussion on share buybacks, then turn to the woes of John Lewis and finally look at the US regionals with the charts below wondering whether the banking crisis could, notwithstanding UBS buying Credit Suisse, roll on.


925 days ago

Is the John Lewis Christmas advert another nail in the coffin hammered in by Sharon White?

After the debacle of the 7 year old transgender kid advert you would have thought that John Lewis might have erred on the side of caution when it came to alienating more of its “small c conservative” customer base., as you can see below.


944 days ago

Go woke go broke – John Lewis and the 7 year old transgender boy

Since the start of the scamdemic, John Lewis has shut 16 of its 50 stores. The other 34 face a terribly uncertain future with the company’s über woke chair Sharon White talking about moves into social housing and financial services as the existing operations lost £29 million in the six months to July 31.  So how to ensure your corporate demise is even more rapid?
